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Psychology in the Public Interest

PI Leadership Council 2015 0050

“We do a good job of creating knowledge, but we’re not as effective in communicating and applying that knowledge,” said Executive Director Dr. Gwendolyn Puryear Keita at the November 2015 Public Interest Leadership Conference. Photo credit: Lloyd Wolf

Marilyn Charles, PhD, ABPP (Austen Riggs Center Staff Therapist and APA Division 39 President), has a great post up about her reflection on her recent attendance at the Public Interest Leadership Conference at APA in November 2015. We have cross-posted it below:

“Scientists learn a great deal that is of potential value to others but often find it difficult to communicate such knowledge to those who might benefit from it. Although psychoanalysts recognize the internal, unconscious forces at work in both individuals and groups that motivate actions we would not consciously choose, we have not been very effective in offering that information in accessible language. Psychoanalysis offers a useful lens through which to recognize how compellingly the safety and well-being of each of us depends on the safety and well-being of all, and to consider how we might better address the issues that divide us so that we might build towards peace through mutual understanding rather than further fomenting hostility and aggression”.

Read the rest of the blog post here

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